
Here's a few projects I've worked on recently

2021 - 2023

PROMPT is a Postgraduate report management system, built for the University of Sheffield. It assists postgraduate students and staff collaborate on forms.

Ruby on Rails logo Ruby logo PostgreSQL logo Moqups logo

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Bingo is a Web app built to learn how to use OAuth, and to develop my experience with React.

It uses an ExpressJS backend, with a sequelize ORM used to access a postgres database.

Figma logo Ruby logo Figma logo PostgreSQL logo Figma logo

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2022 - 2023

PlanetGO is a Ruby on Rails project built during my forth year of my MCOMP Computer Science degree. Users can plan and join outings, and invite friends to come along too.

Ruby on Rails logo Ruby logo PostgreSQL logo Figma logo

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ThisOrThat is an independent project I built to learn React and NextJS. It is a ranking website where you can upload lists of items, and users can vote on their favourite to pick a winner.

React logo JavaScript logo Figma logo

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More coming soon!